1. duck duck go is a good sursh ingen add on it is more personal and has many fetchers that others don't
2. grease monkey is to customize your search engin.
3. similar sights is a add on that if you like a sertian sight you can pic from other sights that are similar to the one you were on.
4. widows shoping is a amaizing tool for geting the best prise you click on the pic of the product and it tells you other web sights prises to see what the best deal is.
5. google translator is a tool that makes it to were you can translate any text into any language you want
6. flash got is a movie or vidio downloader that makes it to were you can download a vidio and then it dusnt need to load ever again.
7. ablock plus is a thing that blocks pop ups.
8. ebay sidebar is a side bar that is a nice way to quickly get to ebay.
9. amizon add to wish is an app that makes it to were you can add to your wish list from any websight.
10. colorful tabs that surve there purpose and are simpule but colorful.
p.s. when are we going to get to use geradge band
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