Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wordle tipe what you want into the blank given and it will show up after you hit go.
this was tagxedo were you have to it load in the corner and then tipe what you want.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

keyword check design.
 is a web tool were you enter the exact website address of the page you want to check the keyword for into the text box. it will change the keywords in a small fount.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

sp studios is an easy jest pic what you want him to wear.http://www.sp-studio.de/

osoq is also easy to use but dos not have as many options as others.http://www.osoq.com/

fui i didnt like this one as much didnt have as many options and they were all cinda weard.http://www.zui.com/avatar
dopple me was easy but bland same body for everyone.http://www.doppelme.com/create/

Thursday, April 18, 2013

google jobs

sales and account management
is a job were transforming the way companies interact with each customers and help the business grow. the locations are every were they are all around the world in many locations.

engineering and design
is a job were they make data banks to store a lot of data and make searches smother and better.
jest like all the other jobs they are all over the world there is evan one in Kansas city.

business strategy
is one of the most important jobs they have to offer they work on global cross functions.
which they work in most buildings google has as well.

Monday, April 1, 2013

on this first you pic if its a boy or a girl then the eyes then the ears then the mouth beard glasses eyebrowls and then exeseries. you get to pic a hat and the color of everything on the item that you picked.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


halo 4 and black ops 2 are both fun action game they are both rated M halo has more gaming option and is more futuristic.
xbox 360 and ps3 are both rilly good consols it jest depends on what you want they both cost arownd the same prise. ps3 has free online but xbox has more options for online gameing.