Wednesday, March 27, 2013


halo 4 and black ops 2 are both fun action game they are both rated M halo has more gaming option and is more futuristic.
xbox 360 and ps3 are both rilly good consols it jest depends on what you want they both cost arownd the same prise. ps3 has free online but xbox has more options for online gameing.
This is a deasintly easy websight to use after you find were to go to make the game you jest typ in what you want for the words and it dus the rest.

Monday, March 25, 2013

my fave picture editor is picmonkey so i used it again

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

sumopaint is a painting and adjusting the color. the lighting of the paining you can change there are tools like magic would and different stencils and costume colors.

pic editing

pic monkey you have a lot of choses in this one it is easy to use and very easy to find what the butin dus.

pixlr is the one that you can change the color and paint on the screan.

fotoflexer is more of make it stronger and biger or smaller

befunky is a adjusting and change of color.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

the google drive is a lot like blogger it has the same layout but it is more personal. it is better for groups instead of everyone getting to see it. you can right a paper on it. you could use it to talk long distants.